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Marketing & Communications- Part III: Building & Positioning Your Brand (Webcast)

Pretty brochures, zippy websites, and catchy slogans can be effective, but only when part of a coordinated marketing effort. After all, the goal of marketing your urban forestry program is to achieve real results.

A brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolizedin a trademark, which, if managed properly, creates value andinfluence. Marketing a brand is not a new brochure, a printing budget,direct mail, or a catchy slogan. It is an important strategy to helpcommunity groups define their value and services in the marketplace.Pretty brochures, zippy websites, and catchy slogans can be effective,but only when part of a coordinated marketing effort. After all, thegoal of marketing your urban forestry program is to achieve realresults.

This is a webinar resource.  Length: 58 minutes.

C. Crawford, L. Kaufman
Date Published
December 2008
Alliance for Community Trees
Resource Format
Marketing, Communications
strategies, brand, strategies, brand
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